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Blog - Mind Ocean Wellness

Healthy Coping Skills for Uncomfortable Emotions

Whether you are ditched by your friend or facing problems in professional life, healthy coping skills help you to drive out from such situations. Coping skills help you to manage stress and deal with problems from a positive perspective. All coping skills are not...

Why Is It Important To Talk About Grief?

Grief is unavoidable and, in our lives, we all grieve at some point in our life. You might be grieving over the death of your close one, loss of friendship, moving away from your hometown, and more. Grief causes distress and suffering. This distress can last from one...

Common Mistakes Couples Make During The Conflict

Relationships are like Indian cuisine, sweet, bitter, and spicy. All couples face tough times in their relationship, but it is necessary to resolve the problem if you want to continue your relationship with your partner. Common mistakes couples make during a conflict...

Work Burnout: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention 

Have you been feeling a lack of motivation towards your job/work recently? It could be a sign of work burnout. Feeling stressed about your work is normal but when that stress never seems to end it could be a serious problem.  The pandemic has popularized the term work...

What is Life Coaching & Who Needs it?

It is quite common for any of us to go to our family members or friends for advice when we’re feeling stuck in life. Seeking out a life coach is quite similar, but unlike your friends and family, a life coach will be able to help you analyze the root cause of the...

6 Benefits of A Corporate Wellness Program 

In today’s time, employees seek a job that caters to their personal goals, needs, health, and security, but for a corporate employee staying healthy seems like a daunting task as most of their day is spent in their offices.  Therefore, the employer must promote good...

Hypnotherapy And It’s Benefits For Your Mental Health

In the world of therapies, hypnotherapy is a gem that can help you with multiple types of problems, physical or mental. As the name suggests, hypnotherapy involves putting people in a state of trance to allow people to explore painful thoughts, memories, or feelings...

How To Form A Good Habit and Make it Stick?

To put it simply, habit is a behaviour that we start as a choice and then it tends to become a subconscious occurrence. However, habit is more than just an activity that you do. Habits tend to define you as a person and form the foundation of your life.  Now the...

7 Ways To Prevent Misbehaviour In Children

There is no manual that can help one become a perfect parent, it’s all a matter of learning on the go and seeing what works best for your child and family. But there are some tested ways we can implement in our household to prevent misbehaviour in children, even...

The Art of Co-Parenting: 5 tips for Divorced Parents

Divorces are hard on their own but when there are children in the mix, the whole situation can become so much worse. However, as a parent, you must not let the personal issues between the two of you affect your children. Naturally, it will be hard on them, but...