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Blog - Mind Ocean Wellness

Overcoming Heartbreaks: 6 Tips For Healing  

At some point in our lives, most of us have been through these awful heartbreaks that left us in the emotional pits for months. Now there’s no way to avoid these heartbreaks but there are ways to get through them. Read further for some tips that might help get you...

Premarital Counseling : What Is It And Who Needs It?

What is Premarital Counselling? When we hear the term counselling we automatically assume it’s for the people who are already amidst the challenges and similar is the concept when it comes to premarital counselling. But it’s not always true.  Premarital counselling...

Pre-Marriage Counselling

What is pre-marital counselling? Provides future husband and wife with conflict resolution strategies Prevent couples from engaging in negative behaviour that often break marriages (should these issues come up)   What types of discussions happen in pre-marriage...

5 Things You Can Do If Feeling Anxious 

It’s normal to feel nervous or anxious sometimes, we’ve all experienced it when standing outside the HR office before the big interview, or before asking the crush out, but when this nervousness and anxiety is crippling you and interfering in your day to day life,...

5 Lockdown Lessons To Remember Life Long

The pandemic brought us so much loss that we couldn’t wait for it to be over. It’s not completely over yet, but we’re definitely making some progress and trying to move ahead. But, the optimistic in us want to see the silver lining of this dark cloud. Here are a few...
The 5 Best Books on Mental Health 

The 5 Best Books on Mental Health 

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, or you care for someone who’s feeling blue and need deeper insight into the disease and its solutions, or you’re still stuck in quarantine and would like to read something insightful and helpful then these are a few of the best...