Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/bmvxrtxlgaxq/public_html/mindocean.in/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/functions.php on line 6044

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/bmvxrtxlgaxq/public_html/mindocean.in/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/functions.php on line 2211
counsellor Archives - Mind Ocean Wellness

What is Life Coaching & Who Needs it?

It is quite common for any of us to go to our family members or friends for advice when we’re feeling stuck in life. Seeking out a life coach is quite similar, but unlike your friends and family, a life coach will be able to help you analyze the root cause of the...

How To Form A Good Habit and Make it Stick?

To put it simply, habit is a behaviour that we start as a choice and then it tends to become a subconscious occurrence. However, habit is more than just an activity that you do. Habits tend to define you as a person and form the foundation of your life.  Now the...

The Art of Co-Parenting: 5 tips for Divorced Parents

Divorces are hard on their own but when there are children in the mix, the whole situation can become so much worse. However, as a parent, you must not let the personal issues between the two of you affect your children. Naturally, it will be hard on them, but...

Overcoming Heartbreaks: 6 Tips For Healing  

At some point in our lives, most of us have been through these awful heartbreaks that left us in the emotional pits for months. Now there’s no way to avoid these heartbreaks but there are ways to get through them. Read further for some tips that might help get you...