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The 5 Best Books on Mental Health  - Mind Ocean Wellness

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, or you care for someone who’s feeling blue and need deeper insight into the disease and its solutions, or you’re still stuck in quarantine and would like to read something insightful and helpful then these are a few of the best books on mental health to read.   

This is Depression 

A Comprehensive, Compassionate Guide For Anyone Who Wants To Understand Depression

By Dr. Diane McIntosh 

In India, about 43% of people suffer from depression, yet it’s not a commonly discussed topic and not everybody understands it. In this book, Dr. McIntosh combines real-life stories with academic rigor to bring clarity and insight to this debilitating disease. If you suffer from depression, or you’re a caregiver to someone and would like a better understanding of what the disease is, then this is the book to go for. 

First, We Make The Beast Beautiful

A New Journey Through Anxiety

By Sarah Wilson

Through this book, Sarah gives you an insightful look into her life and living with anxiety. Along with the clinical symptoms of anxiety and expert advice, you also get a look at her captivating journey. If you’re someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder, then you’ll find this book engaging, relatable, and insightful.     

Maybe You Should Talk To Someone 

A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed

By Lorri Gottlieb 

This book is for everyone, especially If you’ve ever been to therapy sessions, and wondered what the therapist is thinking about, or wondered in general what therapy sessions are like. Lorri Gottlieb explores the world of therapy fascinatingly through Maybe You Should Talk To Someone but the book is not just limited to that, it also illuminates us about how we’re all just humans and flawed in our ways.

 Your Happiness Toolkit 

16 Strategies for Overcoming Depression, and Building a Joyful, Fulfilling Life

By Carrie Wrigley 

Drawn from Carrie’s 30+ years as a counselor, Your Happiness Toolkit, is a comprehensive guidebook for depression recovery and prevention. If you’re suffering from depression or your loved ones are, then this book could be helpful for you, with the time-tested, highly customizable techniques on how to heal from depression, or prevent it in the first place. 

Little panic 

Dispatches from an Anxious Life

By Amanda Stern 

Published in 2018, Little Panic is a memoir of writer and poet Amanda Stern. The book is primarily based on Stern’s childhood and teenage years and tells often-comedic tales of what it’s like living with panic disorder. If you’re someone struggling with anxiety and panic disorder, then this is the book to go for.