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Types of Couples and How they deal with Problems?

There are different types of couples and each has its own way of dealing with problems that might arise in their relationship. Some couples believe in sweeping things under the rug out of the fear of arguments, some belief in having lively debates and arguments to let their partner know how they’re feeling. Here are four types, read to know if your one of these. 

 The Conflict Avoiders 

These couples are minimalist when it comes to expressing their emotions and feelings. Rather than nitpicking each other, they chose to ignore the things that do not affect them. The people in a conflict-avoiding relationship tend to find the balance between independence and interdependence, in other words, they find emotional areas that are common for them or overlay for both parties and the areas which they chose to deal with independently, and they form boundaries for each other. 

This doesn’t mean that these couples don’t care about each other, finding this balance allows them to care about the matters that overlay and ignore things that don’t bother them. This type of relationship only works when both parties find this balance. If both people involved are not comfortable with the boundaries of independence and interdependence, then it could lead to serious problems. 

Tip: If you find yourself in a situation like this, simply tell your partner whatever is bothering you and that you’d like to discuss the same. This will allow your partner to know that you want to discuss something that’s important to you.  

The Expressive Couple

This type of couple is the exact opposite of the conflict-avoiding couple. They don’t believe in keeping boundaries and believe in expressive however they feel and have to discuss all such matters. They often have lively debates and animated conversations. They have many arguments but not to hurt each other’s feelings, rather discuss their emotions because the point of the argument is not to win or lose but to understand each other’s perspective. Even though a lot of negativity is expressed, like anger or feeling of insecurity, but contempt is not a part of it. 

Despite all this lack of boundaries can also be a big problem sometimes. There’s very little independence in such relationships and frequent arguments could lead to an exchange of words that can be hurtful. 

Tip: If you’re a part of a highly expressive relationship like this, and you find your partner to be saying hurtful things during arguments and discussions, don’t try to hurt them back. Rather take some time and when things calm down explain to your partner how they hurt your feelings and how that’s not the point of discussions.

The Disconnected Couple

This type of couple is living a separate life. There are fewer arguments and fights but there’s also much less caring about each other. This type of couples would rather sweep the problem under the rug rather than risk an argument. Most of the time, people who’ve been together for a long time fall into such type of place, where they are more like roommates than lovers. The romance is nowhere to be found and the relationship has gone stale. 

Tip: If you’re in such type of relationship, try to find out what led to the falling apart and try to revitalize the relationship. Both of you need to give an equal effort to bring the romance back. You’ll need to learn to discuss your problems without them turning into hurtful arguments. You’re never too old to change, but only if both of you try.


The Balanced Couple 

These are the couples who work together as a team. Instead of finding things to hate about each other, they try to appreciate and compliment each other’s qualities. They support each other to grow individually and also together as a couple. They have a good hold over their relationship and how to deal with problems if any come their way. They don’t believe in sweeping the problems under the rug. They are equally invested in the relationship, and try to keep the relationship lively. 

Tip: Although this type of relationship believes in supporting each other that doesn’t mean they have no problems at all. A partner could be feeling like they’re taking more weight than the other person. If you feel like this, talk it out with your partner. Let them know where you feel neglected, and both of you should keep your minds open if the other person feels the same way. 

It might look like all couples do is fight and deal with problems, but here we’re just talking about this one aspect of the relationship. There’s a lot more to each relationship than 24/7 grimness, so don’t let this give you a phobia for relationships. The intent behind this article is to help you figure out which type of relationship you have and if you find yourself in any of these categories, then how you can deal with problems.