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10 Most Common Problems People Have in Relationships

Multiple problems can prove to be detrimental for your relationship, but when you seek third party advice you realize they’re easy to handle and move past from. Here are ten problems that people face in a relationship and how to deal with them:

Lack of Communication

Communication issues are of such different types for different couples, it could solely be a point of discussion more often than we think.

When you enter into a new relationship, there’s so much to talk about because you’re just getting to know each other but after some time you stop asking these questions assuming there’s nothing to know anymore. A simple answer to this problem is, people, change with time, and there are always new things to learn, you just have to make the effort.

Other times, you just stop listening to each other which also gives birth to repeated arguments. Communication doesn’t only mean talking to each other, it also means to listen to what your partner has to say.    

Growing Apart

It’s no rocket science that people change. If you question yourself, you’ll realize that you’re not the same person you were a year back, by this we mean that your choices and preferences might have changed. When two individuals in a relationship grow, or one of them grows and the other remains the same, it causes a gap. They come to feel like they’re not with the same person anymore and it drives them apart.

The key to this problem is communication. Explore each other just like you did at the very beginning of your relationship. With a little conversation, you can grow together instead of apart.


Lack of confidence in oneself is known as insecurity and it’s often a problem couples have. Insecurity could be different for every couple, for example feeling less attractive, or less accomplished than your partner, but what’s common for all is, insecurities are personal.

To deal with an insecurity you’ll have to change your mindset and learn to develop more healthy thoughts. Try not to compare yourself with your partner be it physical looks, career success, or something else. Appreciate your growth. While your partner might tell you that you’re perfect, in the end, you’ll have to work on yourself.


Jealousy is human nature, so it’s alright to feel a little jealous but extreme jealousy is detrimental to a relationship. If you’re the person who easily finds themself feeling jealous or your partner has this problem, lack of trust could be the reason behind that.

Establish trust in your relationship and your partner. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, discuss it with your partner, and set boundaries that apply for both of you.   


Sometimes people get busy with their work or children and forget to appreciate their partner, and it leads to the development of the feeling of neglect.

If you feel like your partner isn’t appreciating your efforts, discuss the problem with them. Most of the time people do appreciate the efforts of their partner but aren’t very vocal about it, communicate with each other rather than letting it grow into severe problems.    

Time and Distance

When people are in long-distance relationships, or they’re so busy with their personal lives that there’s very little time for the relationship, it could create a gap between them. Sometimes the career aspirations of one person in the relationship could also lead to the other person feeling neglected and unimportant.

Communication is always the key. Communicate with your partner how you’re feeling. Also, to keep the relationships working sometimes, people have to make sacrifices. For example, if you wish to move to another country for your career but your partner doesn’t, you can’t expect them to be the only ones sacrificing their life. You’ll have to discuss and find a middle road that suits the needs of both parties.

Lack of Personal Space

It’s great to spend time with your partner but sometimes people spend too much time together and it’s just as bad as spending no time together.

There should always be room to grow between a couple. Even if you enjoy doing things together, there should be some individuality in the relationship.

The Difference in beliefs/principles

Something couples should never forget is that they may be partners but they’re still two different individuals. It is very much possible that your principles and beliefs don’t match with your partner, and sometimes it could become the reason for conflict.

Remember that they are their person and they’re allowed to live their life in the way they prefer. While you might not agree with their beliefs or they might not agree with yours, you should always respect each other. Acknowledge your partner’s beliefs and respect them but don’t force them to change according to you.

Unrealistic Expectations

Setting unrealistic expectations for your partners is one of the biggest reasons for conflict in relationships. When you set expectations and they’re not met, it leads to suffering and problems.

It’s unfair to set unrealistic expectations. Analyze how you’re contributing to the relationship and what you’re expecting from them.

Lack of Intimacy

Often people find the spark they had in the initial phase of the relationship missing during the later phases. You or your partner might not spend enough intimate time with you which might feel like a lack of interest.

It’s usually not true, initially in the relationships the brain chemistry is different from when you start to find other ways to feel more intimate and comfortable together. But lack of intimacy doesn’t just depend on brain chemistry, try to revive the spark by making efforts and exploring new things together.   

More often than not lack of communication is the root cause of other problems. We tend to just say our part and not listen to what our partner has to say, which leads to problems. Make efforts for each other and listen to each other more, most of the problems are solved just by doing this.